Posted in Personal

Resolution Update: February 2018

This month has been short and stressful. I’m doing new and exciting things and handle change as well as a neurotic porcupine. Let’s see how these new and exciting things wrecked my Resolution Progress!


Clean First Floor
Reclaim Office
Laundry Complete


Remember how all of my home-based resolutions were moot? It’s because I have to move. It won’t be until this summer. Now, had I only had to move myself, it would basically be done, but moving two adults, two growing toddlers, my parents, and two dogs across two timezones is a feat.


Get New Job

I DID IT. I got a new job! Short version is that I went from Software Developer at NASA Ames OCIO to Cloud Software Engineer for CloudReach, a job that allows me to work remote to take care of my kids while we prepare to relocate to Chicago. The long version is at my career blog at [Amy Codes].

Do a STEM mentorship

I am now mentoring three teams as part of Technovation Challenge? Oomph! It has been exciting but also requiring me to learn Swift/iOS which in itself is a madhouse.

Write 12k words in Career/Tech Blog

I have written 2147 words in my career blog detailing my experiences interviewing with a creator monetization platform, a sports statistic vendor, and CloudReach. I also have a post about what it was like quitting NASA. Spoiler: I don’t like having feelings, but I had all of the feelings.


Better Asthma Management

So Singulair seems to be keeping things mostly under control, and February was half-awful half-good. If these storms could decide when they’re going to stop, then the trees can get their business out of the way, and I can start breathing again. For fun.

Get Back fixed

My back’s okay right now? Fingers crossed. Shoulder’s messed up but that’s what being at home will do.

Better Hygiene/Self-care Routine

A little better?

Personal Time

Complete 1 Project

Putting this off until I don’t have to mentor three teams of teenagers.

Run 1 Game

Putting this off until I’m done with Moving.

Write 12k in Fictional Works

I didn’t write anything this month. Too busy. I feel buried.

So a bunch of progress wrecked by one stupidly busy month. But that’s okay? I completed one of the hardest to do. I’m just frazzled now.

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